With the publication of Dreams, Bones & the Future: Endings (soon), our trilogy focused on the dire straights humans find themselves in is complete. As the pace of collapse and likely extinction increases, we feel the need for a forum where we can continue to dialogue on the ongoing catastrophe. The immediacy of developments requires an immediacy of response and waiting for books to appear, while always useful, feels too delayed as a means of focusing one’s attention on what we can do now in the present moment to best be with what is coming.

To this end, we have started a new dialogue, entitled “Our Need to Speak Out.” We will have no set schedule but we intend to post regularly. We will follow the same alternating format in dialogue form. Paco will begin with The Pot Calls the Kettle Black and Russ will respond with Antihuman, Transhuman, or… These will appear on the OWL AND HERON PRESS website. If you have not already become a member of the O&H Press, please do so. You will receive an e-mail when a new post in the series is online with instructions on how to access it.

We would like to encourage an active participation by all members. To do so, please send comments and contributions to either Russ ( or Paco ( Feel free as well to share any of these pieces with anyone you feel would be interested in this work.

To join OWL & HERON PRESS, go to and click on the Register link under the Meta section. If you are already a member, click on Log in.

Russ & Paco